Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Only 10 More days to visit The Style Icon Fashion Fair!

For all of you who have not yet visited The Style Icon Fashion Fair, you still have 10 days. For those of you who HAVE already visited the Fair, remember, there are new creations going on display all the time. It is worth a visit at least twice a week.

To help you on the way, here is the updated list of the fabulous Sponsors and creators:

Delirium Style - KL-Couture - Legal Insanity - Vero Mondero - Chop Zuey - Deesses Skins - K-Collection - K-Code - Liv-Glam  - Vision - Orage Creations - Snowpaws - Zibska

[KATHAARIAN] - [[ Masoom ]] - ::MS Designs:: - {NanTra} Poses - [:: JesyDream ::] - ::Modish:: - !Lyrical B!zarre Templates!  - Sassy! - 1 Hundred - 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Asteria Creations - A*S – Aris Aris - Azoury - BBOS - Beautiful Deluxe Body Artistry - BSD Design Studio -  Deluxe Body Factory - Diamante Jewelery - Energies Footwear - E-Clipse Design - Envyme - Essenz - even.flow - Fabouzz - FireBIrd Designs - Gypsy Chic - HauteCoutureDesign - Heydra - HOLLYHOOD - JLZ Fashion - Kaithleen's - Kastle Rock Couture - Lacuna - Latreia Foot Fashion - Loordes of London - Lode - Miamai Fashion Creations - Moose Clothing - Nailed It - No Salvation Designs - NV - Paperbag - Shey - Silk Dreams Fashions - Sky - RIAXIK - ZOZ

If you "bump" into me at the Fashion  Fair.. Say HI!

Hugs till next post, Matt Paparazzi [Marty Dalglish - Matt's Photography, Studio & Club Paparazzi and the NEW ::BRAVURA:: Homme!Blog Facebook - [View our Portfolio @ Flickr ] - Studio/Club Paparazzi

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